Setting Up Pyson

Pyson is a JASON-Style AgentSpeak interpreter for Python.

Currently this plugin is under development but we could not found the currently version.

To run the example we created, you need:

  1. Ubuntu 14.04 with Indigo distribution installed.
  2. Python

And should follow this steps:

  1. Install Pyson
  2. Download the Grizzly robot
  3. Add the launch files from to Grizzly
  4. Copy the package node
  5. Lauch Grizzly
  6. Run Pyson

1. Install Pyson

To install Pyson is simple. First, download Pyson source code from the GitHub repository. Then, you need to execute in a terminal the command:

sudo python develop

This command will install all the Pyson’s dependencies.

2. Download the Grizzly robot

For this work, we use Grizzly simulator. You need to download the source from GitHub and place it in src in your catkin_ws. After that, run:



source [YOUR PATH]/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

3. Add the launch file from to Grizzly

We created an odometry node to get the robot position. You need to replace the file at catkin_ws/src/grizzly_simulator/grizzly_gazebo/launch/base_gazebo.launch for the file at /launch/Grizzly/base_gazebo.launch. The file on this repository already contains the node to get the positions information:

<node pkg=”check_odom” type=”check_odometry” name=”” output=”screen” >


  • The pkg is the name of the package.
  • The type is the name of the node described at our script
  • The name is the name of our script
  • Output is the way the information is printed

For the example, we launched two robots. So, you also need to replace the file at catkin_ws/src/grizzly_simulator/grizzly_gazebo/launch/grizzly.launch for the file at /launch/Grizzly/grizzly.launch.

After you replace the file, run


4. Copy the package node

In this repository, inside src/pyson/ there is a folder named check_odom. You need to copy this folder to your catkin_ws.

5. Lauch Grizzly

To launch Grizzly, run:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-grizzly-simulator ros-indigo-grizzly-desktop ros-indigo-grizzly-navigation

roslaunch grizzly_gazebo grizzly_empty_world.launch

6. Run Pyson

Open other terminal and run:


In other terminar, enter the folder check_odom you just copied to your catkin_ws and run:


You will se the plans and the actions on your console, and the robot moving on Gazebo.