Building the PUCRS Campus on Gazebo

Creation of the PUCRS Campus Scenario in the Gazebo

To run the example we created, you need:

  1. Ubuntu 16 with Kinect distribution installed (ros-kinetic-desktop-full)
  2. Python

1. Extraction of campus map PUCRS

Go to the website Open Street Map.

Click the Export button at the top of the screen.

Fill in the latitude and longitude coordinate range (scroll through the coordinate fields by pressing a Tab key to view an area on the map).

Example (EPSG:4326 - WGS84):

left latitude = -51.1839

right latitude = -51.1635

upper longitude = -30.0505

lower longitude = -30.0615

Click the Export button the left side of the screen (the file extension will be .osm).

2. Map editing

Visit the site to download the JOSM <>_ application josm-tested.jar.

Open an application with the command:

$ java -jar josm-tested.jar

Choose the .osm extension file.

Changes to map attributes are made in the right part of the application.

Save the changes

3. 3D Map Creation

Access the website to download the OSM2world application.

Open an application with the command:

$ java -jar OSM2World.jar

Check out the changes performed in the previous step.

Export the file to the object format (.obj).

4. Conversion from .obj format to .stl format.


Run the command:

$ osgconv map_pucrs.obj map_pucrs.stl

5. Upload the map in the Gazebo

Run the command:

$ gazebo to load the empty environment.

Press Ctrl + M or go to the Template Editor.

Click Add Custom Shapes.

Select the .stl extension file.

Save the template.

Close the Template Editor.

Save the world file.

6. Loading Turtlebot in the New World

Run the command:

$ roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch world_file:=/opt/ros/kinetic/share/turtlebot_gazebo/worlds/

You will see a 3D scenario in the Gazebo Simulator and a Turtlebot at the point of origin.